The Parts Of A Document

Learn your way around a page in MODX - MODX 2.2.9



Hi I’m Jason from Dash Media and in this video we’ll be going through the different parts of a document in MODX. As you can see I’ve got our “About” page open at the moment and I’m currently on the “Document” tab. Everything in this top section deals specifically with this document.

The first field we have here is “Title”. This is the field that MODX will use inside of the Resource Tree to represent this document and it will also be used in any navigation on the side when linking to this page.

Beneath that we have “Main Heading”. This field will be used as the main heading on this page.

Beneath that we have “SEO Description”. Sounds a bit technical, but basically this is the content that Google will display whenever this item shows up in search results. To give you an example I’ve just googled Dash Media and it’s the content listed directly after the page URL, which lines up with “SEO Description”

The last field in this column is “Summary (introtext)”. This is normally used directly beneath the main heading or sometimes it’s used on pages that are linking to this page as extra content beside the link.

On the top right we have our “Page Template”. This just says what kind of page this document is. We have “Basic Page” selected.

Beneath that is the “Page Address (URL Alias)” which is this documents address on your website. For example, it would be

Beneath that we’ve got two check boxes with are “Hide From Menus”, which will make this document not show up on an navigation, and “Published” which when checked means this page will show up on the website and if it’s unchecked means you can only view the site if you are logged in as an administrator on the back end.

Beneath this top document section we also have “Content”. This is where specific pieces of content are filled out for this page and the fields that are available here are tied to which type of template we’ve selected. For this template we have three different groups and within each group we have a couple different fields.

Back at the top, we also have these two extra tabs, one label “Settings” and one labelled “Versions. The “Settings” tab contains a few advanced features. If you wanted to do something such as creating a document that has a future published date, so once that date rolls around it will be available on the site, we can do that from here. As well as setting an unpublish date to automatically remove this page from the site.

The final tab here is “Versions”. MODX will automatically create snapshots of the document every time you hit save so that at any time if you need to you can come back to an older version of the site. We’ll go through how to use this in a later video.

When you create a new document none of these fields will actually be visible to you. To give you an idea we’ll create a new document here and as you can see the only option you really have is to choose a new page template. Once I choose one of these we’ll see that we have our “Document” tab but we don’t have any content fields down at the bottom. That’s because this template doesn’t actually have any associated with it yet. But if I change to “Basic Page” we can see that those content fields load in. These are specific to the template.

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